A current events summary is a short description of an event that has recently happened or is going to happen. Current events summaries are often assigned by junior and senior high school educators for the purpose of teaching research, writing, and editing skills.
In "The Devil's Arithmetic", Jane Yolen made the death of Tzipporah unforgettable and real by depicting that the little girl passed away with her finger in her mouth and since she was lifeless, a fly could crawl over her body. Also, Jane revealed that Little Tzipporah passed away in the barracks few days after they came to camp.
Little Tzipporah was the sister to Reuven and the daughter of Yitzchak. Soon after they arrived camp, the little girl passed away. Gitl wept over the passing away of Tzipporah.
"The Devil's Arithmetic" was written by Jane Yolen. It's a historical fictitious event which took place in Poland in the 1940s. It reveals how the Nazis treated their Jewish captives.
American agriculture and rural life underwent a tremendous transformation in the 20th century. Early 20th century agriculture was labor intensive, and it took place on many small, diversified farms in rural areas where more than half the …