Encryption is a term in the field of computer security (Cryptology) this is a process of encoding information in a way that hackers and eavesdroppers cannot read. The process of encryption involves a plain text (message) been converted into a scrambled text (cipher text) with an encryption algorithm (key) in this way, if the message is intercepted by a hacker he/she is unable to read the contents. Only the authorized party with a decryption key will be able to decrypt back to a plain text and read the contents of the message
connect the sender with the desired recipients.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a process through which organizations create seamless branding and coordination of their marketing and communication objectives with its business goals and target audience or consumers. The communication tools used in IMC are both digital and traditional media such as billboards, search engine optimization, magazines, television, blog, radio, webinars etc.
The communication channel used in IMC must connect the sender with the desired recipients.
The receiver is any individual who is able to read, hear or see and process the message being sent or communicated in the IMC communication process. Any interference the IMC communication process is known as noise.
An organization can analyze and measure the effectiveness of the IMC communication process by considering market share, sales, and customer loyalty.
You should definitely consider what kind of audience you are appealing to. For example, if you were running a business based on cosmetic products you may want to focus your website on self-care and makeup tips rather than something like cooking. By making your website direct about what you offer, the better the audience will understand. This will make your website succeed. Hope this helped :))
The correct answer is letter "C": encoding, storage, retrieval.
In psychology, the stages of memory are <em>encoding, storage, </em>and <em>retrieval</em>. Encoding refers to changing the information as it is received so it can be stored in the memory and imply inputs in three kinds: <em>visual (pictures), acoustic (sounds), </em>and<em> semantic (meaning)</em>. Storage is the stage in which the input is retained in the memory, where it is stored, and for how long. Finally, retrieval implies organizing information stored in the memory to recall it.
I am guessing the bluetooth process is same as usb proccess. So when i transfered a video via usb and took out the usb (for apple phone), there <u>was</u> a file but when i clicked it it said that the phone isn't plugged in