<h2>Right answer: they are afraid to lose what they have</h2>
According to Suzuki people in northern countries do not share because they are afraid to lose what they have.
This excerpt was part of the speech Severn Cullis-Suzuki gave at the Rio Earth Summit held at Río de Janeiro, Brazil on 1992 when she was only a 12-year old girl.
In this context, Suzuki, being a child, addressed her speech to the adults at the summit, warning about the consequences of climate change and the apathy of people in this regard.
Stream gradient refers to the slope of the stream's channel .It is the vertical drop of the stream over a horizontal distance.
Gradient is the slope or steepness of a stream channel. It affects the stream's velocity because the steeper the gradient is the greater the velocity due to gravity.
The Mongols, a tribe of Nomads from Central or North Asia, who were ruled by Genghis Khan at the time.
faults can cause sudden earthquakes when the tension of the tectonic plates build up and then releases
~Hello there! ^_^
Your question: What is the major ethnic group in Western Asia..?
Your answer: The following are the major ethnic groups in Western Asia:
1) Han
2) Yamato
3) Korean
Happy Studying!