felony convictions and those who previously committed fraud in an election along with those mentally deemed unfit currently can not participate in an election of any kind. ie presidential, congressional etc.
It accentuated the tensions in Russian society and unleashed forces that Romanov regime could not control. The suffering people and the common soldiers grew impatient and demanded immediate change and above all peace. The failure of the Tsarist regime to end the war resulted in the collapse of the Romanov Dynasty.
The Orginal Jordans came out way back in 1984
A militia (/mɪˈlɪʃə/)[1] is generally an army or some other fighting organization of non-professional soldiers, citizens of a nation, or subjects of a state, who can be called upon for military service during a time of need, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time military personnel, or historically, members of a warrior nobility class (e.g., knights or samurai). Generally unable to hold ground against regular forces, it is common for militias to be used for aiding regular troops by skirmishing, holding fortifications, or irregular warfare, instead of being used in offensive campaigns by themselves. Militia are often limited by local civilian laws to serve only in their home region, and to serve only for a limited time; this further reduces their use in long military campaigns.