You can change it in the editing or ask the teacher if the can let you back to revising
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A boys Brother is born crippled. The boy decides to teach his crippled brother to walk and run and do things like a normal boy. His crippled brother becomes stronger but not as strong as the other boys so the boy pushes his brother to work hard to be able to do things like the other boys. One day a Scarlett Ibis comes as a result of a storm and it dies. the little brother buries it. Later that day the brothers go to run and jump and try to get the little brother stronger. a storm hits and as they run home the older brother outruns his younger brother, he eventually goes back for his brother only to find he died in the storm.
Hope this helped :)
B. Although the Sultan’s father was cruel, the Sultan’s kindness undoes the harm his father caused to Hasan Abdallah.
Neil Philip retold the story of "The Keys of Destiny" from <em>The Arabian Nights</em>. The plot revolves around the new king Sultan Muhammad Ibn Thailun and his wisdom in ruling the kingdom of Egypt.
In the given story, Sultan Muhammad had just found out about the captive Sheikh Hasan Abdallah who his father had kept in a dungeon for refusing to read the manuscript. When the Sultan recovered the Sheikh, he apologized for what his father had done and returned the manuscript to the old Sheikh. This led to the Sheikh proclaiming <em>"Allah is wise, who makes the poison and the antidote to flower in the same field".</em> By this line, what the Sheikh meant was that the former Sultan may have been cruel, but the current Sultan's kindness undid the wrongs his father had done to him.
The universe constantly and obediently answers to our conceptions; whether we travel fast or slow, the track is laid for us.
Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.
Food was more a distraction than a desire.
He felt a wave of apprehension and accelerated heart beat as the door opened.
Driving 100 mph in a 55 mph zone is an transgression.
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