13? 13 is most minimum ages however, I don't understand this question all that well.
Answer: C. Semantic Search Engines
Semantic search is simply search with meaning. It is designed to locate information based on the nature and meaning of Web content, not simple keyword matches (like in lexical searches)
Mostly Trojan will has multiple version and I love u virus extra.
As first step workstation or desktop or laptop to scanned for virus and if any virus or malware found then it should be removed first. Operating system should be updated with latest patch, virus signature also be updated once again executed founded by virus infected.
Better to copy new exes and place in the same folder and try to execute again. If still the problem persists download antivirus software such as Norton, bit defender, Kaspersky etc. executable files affected by 15-20 viruses
Answer: URN(Uniform Resource Name) is the basically a subset of the Uniform Resource identifier(URL). It uses "urn"scheme for the working an implementation. Uniform resource name functions by identifying components uniquely through their name.
The most common example of URN is ISBN (International Standard Book Number)number which helps in the unique searching and identification of book.