Are you asking about the first ten? The first ten amendments are located in the Bill of Rights, right at the beginning!
It will be easy about me, why do you think? As an independent sovereign Ivan lll began to behave towards the Tatars. In 1476. He refused to pay them an annual tribute and entered into an alliance with the Crimean Khan, an enemy of the Golden Horde. Standing on the Ugra (1480) put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Russian state acquired formal sovereignty.
On October 9th, 1773 James Boone and a small group if settlers set up camp on the way to Kentucky. That morning, they were attacked by Delaware, Shawnee, and Cherokee Indians.
Response down below.
Dear Jennifer,
Sweetie, I'm sorry, first of all, that you had to experience this. The hunger, it must be real. At least the shade is nice, its very hot over here. Though, I can't say the same for everyone else. You see, the mustard gas attacks aren't nice. To sum it up, it basically suffocates you. The gas that they use it called Zyklon-B, it was originally a rat killer. Don't ask me where I got this, I have my sources. The uniforms are poorly made, am I correct? Those infections also, they must be awful. Best of luck to you, Jennifer, and may God be by your side.
Sincerely, Your Parent.
You just put facts, The important poeple/events.