Movement- this is about how people, products, information, and ideas <span>move from one place to another.
Region- </span>A region is an area or division defined by similar characteristics. They can be natural (physical) or human (cultural) characteristics.
Location- Location is where a place is(a particular place) on earth. It can be described in absolute (through longitude or latitude), or relative terms.
Human Environment Interaction- this is how humans adapt to the environment and how they change it to suit their purposes. It <span>is how the human social system acts upon its ecosystem.
Place- </span>Places are defined by everything in them (a particular position). Each has special characteristics <span>that make them unique and distinguish them from every other place on earth.
</span>Had to search everywhere to get this lml anyways, hope it helps
Answer: Raymond Wang: How germs travel on planes – and how we can stop them
1. After completing the unit and watching the video, explain how the unit about oceans and the video about germs on a plane relate?
In his video Raymond explains how the diseases are transmitted through planes from one country to another and the difficulties faced to prevent the spread of diseases due to the air circulation in the planes. It is always difficult to screen the person with disease and prevent them from getting into the plane since the air circulates in the conventional cabins. When a person sneezes, the air will get swirled multiple times and spread the disease.
2. Using examples from the video, explain why it is difficult to keep people who are sick off of planes.
It’s difficult to pre-screen for diseases. When someone goes on a plane, they could be sick and actually be in this latency period in which they could have the disease but not exhibit any symptoms and could possibly spread the disease to many other people.
3. How does Wang illustrate what happens in a conventional airplane cabin when someone sneezes?
He illustrates how the air is just being circulated throughout the plane. When someone sneezes, the air is just being circulated into the air. This means that everyone on that plane has breathed in that person’s sneeze because it’s such a compact place.
When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust; this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser. Convergent boundaries are commonly associated with larger earthquakes and higher volcanic activity
If tectonic plates collide it forms convergent plate boundaries. if tectonic plates separate they form divergent plate boundaries
The use of government expenditure and taxation to impact the economy is a big part of policy. A governing body inside a company is more likely to establish policies. Most policies' significance as a policy instrument has grown and gone. Before 1930, a laissez-faire, or small government, approach dominated. When it comes to influencing the economy, policymakers have two basic tools: monetary policy and fiscal policy.