Answer: There are different ways to answer this, but in my opinion, i think that he means that without the mysterious or questions that need to be answered there would not be a need for arts or science. What i mean is without any questions you wouldnt need answers. Without questions, science would be nothing
The Bill of Rights reflects a key Enlightenment idea because it limits what government can do and it does so in order to protect the rights of the people. According to Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, the purpose of government was to protect the basic human rights of its people.
Hopefully this helps you
to prove your point with credibility
Through speeches, the leaders usually tried to appeal to all audiences. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech “I have a Dream” was given to both dark-skinned and light-skinned people.
At first, he aims the speech at the light-skinned people, by referring to the dark-skinned person as someone separate.
The second part of the speech was more directed toward the dark-skinned people, so he used terms like “my people” and “we”
The third part of the speech was when he called for unity and referred to everyone as friends, and talks about his dream.
in my opinion, failure helps you learn more than success. Success gives you limits, like you only know what to do, but you dont know what not to do. Failure teaches you what not to do for present and future mistakes. Say like if you lost a spelling bee, you would learn to study more and not waist time playing. That failure taught you what not to do, and what to do. Also, another example, if a kid is going down a slide upside down, they would fall off the slide and hit their heads on the ground, they would learn not to do that anymore and to sit up correctly.