B. extraction
<u>In order to get oil for use, it needs to be extracted from under the ground.</u> Once the oil is located, the oil well is placed on the location. <u>The ground is drilled and the oil is popped out of the earth.</u>
While all the points in the oil handling process can be dangerous to the environment, <u>extraction has the biggest effect on the land and the sea as it can easily result in spills.</u> Oil spills affect many years later and are risky for the animals and plants. This way, the ecosystem is affected and the environment is hurt, impacting pollution and climate change.
There are different climate zones on the earth
1. The first reason there are different climate zones on the earth is because of the equator. The closer to the equator the warmer the climate zone. Near the equator, the climate zone is more humid.
2. The second reason is Rainforests and deserts. Areas with deserts and rainforests tend to be more humid. Much much more humid.
In conclusion, there are many different climate zones as it depends of the location of the country and the features of it.
<span>Sydney</span><span>Melbourne</span><span>Gold Coast</span><span>Brisbane</span><span>Adelaide</span><span>Perth</span><span>Canbera
well some word like dog-food and cat-fish
are named by their looks, feel, or even what they are used for.