Anzia Yezierska was an American author of the late 1800s and early 1900s who wrote stories about Jewish immigrants living in poverty or other unsatisfactory conditions of the Gilded Age.
Today's concerns on immigration - can I just summarize in one word - Trump. Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, has enforced a crackdown on immigration, even going so far as to promise that a wall will be built between Mexico and America to keep out illegal entrants.
Yezierska's novels bring out the humanity in these people. She wrote them to give perspective to educated readers the hardships of being a member of the working class, of being manipulated by bosses and high class. These opinions and points of view are particularly salient today because of the debate over immigration in the US.
You could probably figure out that the boys in the story are English schoolboys, and were more than likely being evacuated from their home country to escape the possibility of atomic warfare. (Does this help?)
Acobs creates suspense through the use of setting, foreshadowing, and purposeful omission. The story takes place at the White residence, which is relatively isolated and located away from the nearest road. This isolated location adds to the haunting atmosphere of the story and is significant to the plot. Jacobs also foreshadows the ramifications of wishing upon the magic monkey's paw through Sergeant-Major Moris's enigmatic story.
Assuming we're just looking at this phrase, "learn'd" suggests that the astronomer studied to become intelligent in the astronomical field.
There are no sentences to select but there different because california is a state