You would be using a A. referendum as a form of direct democracy if you voted to remove your governor from office. The other terms are not related to this action, but have to do with money.
Prostatic acid phosphatase was purified from prostatic fluid. Monospecific antisera to the purified acid phosphatase was then produced in rabbits. When antibody was coupled with acid phosphatase, the enzymatic activity was markedly stabilized against pH and temperature degradation. Both acid phosphatase and rabbit anti acid phosphatase were non specifically coupled to Sepharose-4B using cyanogen bromide. Under these circumstances slight stability occurred when antibody was bound to Sepharose, and then acid phosphatase added to the gel antibody complex. When acid phosphatase was complexed to Sepharose, no stabilization occurred.
The 3 phases of interphase can be broken down into the first growth phase of the cell - G1 phase. Then the S phase, where DNA replication and or DNA synthesis occurs to duplicate the number of chromosomes in the cell. Followed by the G2 phase, an additional growth phase and where specific protein come into play along with organelle and cellular component duplication.
Mammalia (mammals) have hair or fur and produce milk