The answer could be "no escribo" I do not write...
Hay sillas delante de los ordenadores.
In Cuba Couble Nine is one of the most played versions of dominoes. However in Santiago de Cuba they usually play Double Six. I think I would like this game but it might get boring after a while but I would love to play it.
Sandboarding is similar to snowboarding except instead of playing in the cold you play in the warm around the Huacachina desert in Ica Peru. Another big difference is that you play on sand and not snow and the sand actually makes it faster than snowboarding. I would also love to try out this sport someday.
Jai alai is the ball game of Basque played in a three-walled court. You also play with a hard ball that is made up of rubber and is caught and throw with a cesta(a long, curved wicker scoop that is strapped on someones arm). I have a feeling I would really love this game and I would enjoy it very much.
CARMEN: Hola Manuel, te llamo para invitarte a un pequeño evento. Estoy haciendo una fiesta para celebrar el aniversario de mis padres.
MANUEL: ¡Qué bien! ¿Y cuándo es la celebración?
CARMEN: Mira, la fiesta es hoy a las cuatro de la tarde y es una sorpresa.
MANUEL: El día está perfecto para una fiesta al aire libre. Hace fresco está soleado.
CARMEN: Sí, pero la fiesta es en la casa de Miguel, mi tío. La comida está lista y todos los miembros de la familia pronto llegarán. ¿Puedes venir
MANUEL: Carmen, yo estoy muy contento por ellos, pero estoy algo enfermo y no puedo ir.
In this exercise, we need to choose the correct conjugation of either the verb ser or estar. Both verbs stands for the verb to be in English, but they have different uses. We use ser for <em>descriptions, occupations, characteristics, time, origin and relationships </em>while the verb estar is used for<em> position, location, action, condition, and emotion. </em>The conjugations of these verbs in the simple present are the following:
- Yo soy
- Tú eres
- Él/ella es
- Nosotros somos
- Ustedes son
- Vosotros sois
- Ellos/ellas son
- Yo estoy
- Tú estás
- Él/ella está
- Nosotros estamos
- Ustedes están
- Vosotros estáis
- Ellos/ellas están