Religious extremists are pressed by their beliefs. Almost all religious extremist view the world this way, hence why they act with violence and courage.
Thus, they see the world by believers and nonbelievers, and by belief and disbelief.
In this instance, Radical Islamics believe in one true God, Allah. And they feel that if you do not believe in Allah and you do not worship Allah as they do-That you are a non-believer and that you are doing wrong by their God, and they must do right by their God by living strictly and pleasing Allah.
August 3, 1492
Columbus set sail from Spain in three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. On August 3, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus started his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
The passage of the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924 granted citizenship to all Natives born in America. As a result, Native Americans were finally granted free travel in the United States. At the present time, Native Americans who live on reservations are free to travel as they wish.
The Underground Railroad was a complex network of secret routes that slaves traveled to get to freedom. Along the way, there were houses known as "safe houses". They were operated by free people, abolitionists, and Quakers. Without these people, the Umderground Railroad would habe never worked and slaves wouldn't have found freedom.
~Hello there!
Your question: In England, Charles II triggered a crisis not unlike that produced by his father’s rule when he:
Your answer: In England, Charles II triggered a crisis not unlike that produced by his father’s rule when he began modelling his kingship on the dictatorship of Louis XIV.
Hope this helps~