This is an interesting question to ask,
President Roosevelt's mode of persuasion was "Ethos" this type of persuasion always involves the personal character of the speaker who is speaking.
Moreover, President Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the America , he served as president from 1933 to 1945. His full name was " Franklin D. Roosevelt". The scholars in America rated the Roosevelt very high and ranked him with one of the greatest presidents of american history.
The poem is about the toilet humor, and the satire is seen on the upper-class woman in the dressing room with her constant efforts to make her beautiful.
She takes five hours to beautify herself. Ideally, this is satirical.
The iron is seen when a man visits a prostitute but fails to perform.
However, he supposedly questions Swift and says that Montagu's knowledge lies on prostitutes.
The poem, therefore, is generally ironical and malicious since it targets specific people within the setting.