The civil war brought changes to the United States through how they began to see other races as more equal, the development of a stronger economic system and in the diffusion of the negro culture into more parts of their society. The civil war was fought at the source because of racial inequality, black people being given less rights. Because the U.S. north began to see this injustice in the confederacy, they fought. Because of the new development in the ideas and tools of war a more lavish industrial society was built in both the north and the south, and in turn a stronger economic standing for the United States after the war. After the civil war a cultural shift began in the acceptance of black people, and because of that shift we begin to see the diffusion of their language, religious tendency’s, food and music. The addition of their culture to that of the unites states was one of great enhancement. Over all the American civil war brought about change in all aspects of life and though it was a split country for a period of time, it eventually held them together.