its sunny-the sun is out its warm outside kids might be playing outside its raining-its cloudy outside kids are probably not playing out and theirs water falling from the sky. its snowy-theirs snow falling from the sky kids playing with it and its probably below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. its windy-its a great time to go outside and fly a kite
D: Lo siento, no puedo
The ending says "I have to work" so Lo siento, no puedo" --> I'm sorry, I can't" would make the most sense
I hope this helps!
<em>Question 1: Complete with the correct interrogative word. ¿___ hora es?</em>
<em></em><em>Answer 1 : ¿Qué </em><em>hora es?</em>
<em>Question 2 : Complete with the correct interrogative word. ¿De _____ eres?</em>
<em>Answer 2 : </em><em>¿De </em><em>dónde</em><em> eres?</em>
<em>Question 3 : Complete with the correct interrogative word. ¿______ se dice <> en inglés?</em>
<em></em><em>Answer 3 : ¿Cómo </em><em>se dice <> en inglés?</em>
<em>Question 4 : Complete with the correct interrogative word. ¿___ es tu cumpleaños?</em>
<em>Answer 4: ¿Cuándo</em><em> es tu cumpleaños?</em>
<em>Question 5 : Complete with the correct interrogative word. ¿____ años tienes?</em>
<em>Answer 5 : ¿Cuántos</em><em> años tienes?</em>