Ratification of a constitutional amendment
An example of a theory is Evolution, we don't really know 100% how we came to be as we are now, but we do know that 1+1=2 as a fact, same with gravity, we Know it exists because it's what ties us to earth and we can "feel" it, but not Evolution, Evolution is a theory, just like the BingBang
The answer is D. the Battle of Hastings
Got this answer by reading through the material.
Answer: Islam
The old Kingdom of Ghana and the Malian and Songhai empires were all located around the same area at different points in time, the Western part of Africa including Mali and the rest of the Western Sahel.
These Empires became very wealthy from the trade of gold and spice such as salt with Arabian traders and this led to alot of interactions with the latter.
As the Arabs settled and traded with these Empires, they spread the message of The Prophet and Islam spread. Indeed, it was because of the foothold that Islam gained in this kingdom that enabled it to then spread to the rest of Africa.
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