Answer: Factory System. The factory system was a new way of making products that began during the Industrial Revolution. The factory system used powered machinery, division of labor, unskilled workers, and a centralized workplace to mass-produce products.
Before the industrial revolution the factories products were made one at a time by individual workers. The work was generally performed at a small workshop or at home. As machinery became larger and more expensive, factories formed where business owners purchased the machines and hired workers to run them.
Pink-collar worker - The one who is working in the care-oriented career field that is traditionally considered to be women’s work which may include jobs in nursing, secretarial jobs, teaching, waitressing or child care that pay significantly less than other white-collar or blue-collar jobs.
I think you worded your question incorrectly; the word to the definition an absence of government is: Anarchy
You already answered your question.
Involved cutting taxes and government spending.