(a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs)
B. Louis' accident ended up improving the lives of blind people everywhere.
The "accident" being referred to here is how Louis Braille became blind. As a young boy he slipped into his father's workshop and used a tool wrong which pierced his eye and caused infection, rendering him blind.
This caused him to be unable to read normally, which is why is why he had to consort to reading the raised bumps on a page, and eventually developing the Braille system which improved the lives of blind people everywhere.
The case that certain personality traits can sway us to be more liberal or conservative, to be more or less likely to attend a protest march, more or less likely to ignore politics altogether.
Mark as brainliest pls
3rd option
All passages besides the 3rd option use the words "I feel", making them opinions automatically.