<span>Mrs. Brandeis' friendly personality helps her to succeed in business. Because she listens to the salesmen's troubles, they like her. I think this is the key ter succeeding in business that she is friendly, sociable and with an open mind so discusses things with her salesmen and is open to entertain their suggestions.</span>

Ummmmm... I think they're important, because to provide order and predictability in social relationships and to make sense of and understanding of each other's actions.

The <em>chocolate, gooey, and scented</em> brownies tasted <em>delightful, as if it was food for the gods.</em>
hope this helps
When you switch the sentence around such that the subject is being acted upon.
Here's what a sentence with active voice would look like:
John kicked the ball.
In this sentence, John is the subject, and he's kicking a ball. The subject is acting upon an object.
Now, what would happen if we made the ball the subject instead?
The ball was kicked by John.
This is passive voice. The ball is the subject, and it was acted upon by an object, in this case John.
There were no interpersonal skills involved.
The games that were played with the food supply made the evacuation easier,promotive acceptance of the collective canteens, and also weakened interpersonal relationships, including between parents and their children.
I think Your Dictionary will help you :)