True, if we had the same rules that they had back then the games wouldnt be as fun or popular as they are today.
C and D. Pop art has many vibrant colors that are used on many pop culture idols. For example, Andy Warhol does many pop art works. Look him up if you want :)
Answer:The characteristics of Fauvism include: A radical use of unnatural colors that separated color from its usual representational and realistic role, giving new, emotional meaning to the colors. Creating a strong, unified work that appears flat on the canvas. hope this helps :)
it did not make me cry or feel sad usually i don't feel nothing when i sing songs or write. This song those have some meaning behind it so maybe for someone who get emotional fast will cry
It will always have a time signature. It's not always 3/4 time. It is not seen using the bass clef, leaving the answer A.