Manolo made 16 handbags first day and then she made 12 handbags each day. Annalisa made 8 handbags first day and then she made 12 handbags each day. Manolo learning curve is reduced and she is making lesser handbags which she made on first day.
Annalisa have worked towards her learning curve and she has been able to make more handbags than she used to make on her first day. She has worked fast paced and learned to work quicker than her first day.
It is a great example of recycling. There are many was to use it but here are 5 that I find useful:
- Remove oil stains. Sometimes when we move the car, we notice oil stains on the floor, but we can use a bunch of sharpner dust and spread it over the stain. Leave it for an hour or more and the chip would have absorbed all the oil.
- Strong plants. If you want strong and beautiful plants, you just have to mix some of the dust with the soil and within days you will start to notice the difference.
- Covering the holes. Here you have to prepare a mix using the dust and glue (resistol). Cover the hole and wait for it to dry, then use some sandpaper to make it even and paint it with the color of the wall.
- Herbicide. Tired of all those bugs eating your plants? You can put some of that dust in the edges of where the plants are and they wont be getting near them
- Shoe marks. In some countries like Chile, people use to spread some of that dust on the floor at the entrance of their houses or stores so that they step in it and don't leave marks inside.
I hope you find this information useful and thank you for recycling!
D.) The Founder of the Opera
Answer: I could help but i'll need to see the diagram first.
I believe the correct answer is c. Debussy