Akhenaton introduced the practice of monotheism or the worship of one god. Akhenaton called his god Aten. He also moved the capital to Amarma. Later Tutankhamen later restored the worship of Amun and returned the capital of Egypt back to Thebes. He also built a temple in Karnak dedicated to Amun.
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were established to serve the educational needs of black Americans. Prior to the time of their establishment, and for many years afterwards, blacks were generally denied admission to traditionally white institutions. As a result, HBCUs became the principle means for providing postsecondary education to black Americans.
Today, HBCUs must fulfill educational goals far beyond those initially set. President George Bush described the unique mission of black colleges as follows:
On March third 1918, Lenin signed a peace treaty that withdrew Russia from WWI.
Each state would have two delegates in the Senate, while representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population. Finally, the delegates agreed to the "Great Compromise," also known as the Connecticut Compromise.
Their so-called Great Compromise (also known as the Connecticut Compromise after its architects, Connecticut delegates Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth) established a dual system of congressional representation. Each state would be assigned a number of seats in the House of Representatives based on its population.
The Great Compromise of 1787 gave larger states population-based representation in the lower house, while smaller states gained equal representation in the upper house.
To know more about Great Compromise of 1787 here
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American Foreign Policy
1) What was Washington's view of what US foreign policy ought to be? Why did he argue that nations should avoid antipathies and passionate attachments toward other nations? What should guide US foreign policy? Why?
He believed that the United States should have good relations with all countries but they should have not attachment to said countries. He believed that attachment to other countries would draw them into a war that they had no common interest being involved in. Antipathies also led to more frequent collisions and conflicts which is what the US did not want. Becoming friends with a stronger nation meant the weaker nation would become a satellite for the stronger one. In this case the US would be the weaker country and therefore the satellite. Promote trade and a commercial relationship but keep political connection at a minimum.
The US was weak at this time militarily and economically they had just been freed from British colonial control and needed trade only at this time
He believed that the United States should have good relations with all countries but they should have not attachment to said countries. He believed that attachment to other countries would draw them into a war that they had no common interest being involved in. Antipathies also led to more frequent collisions and conflicts which is what the US did not want. Becoming friends with a stronger nation meant the weaker nation would become a satellite for the stronger one. In this case the US would be the weaker country and therefore the satellite. Promote trade and a commercial relationship but keep political connection at a minimum.
The US was weak at this time militarily and economically they had just been freed from British colonial control and needed trade only at