Answer: Example:
Smart, funny Jamie quickly advanced as a class reader
A coordinate adjective is just basically two or more adjectives (a word or phrase naming an attribute or grammatically relating to a noun) that describe the same noun. And, they are separated by a comma
The correct sentence is:
3. He tried to affect our vote.
The sentences we are analyzing here are testing our knowledge of words that sound similar but have different meanings, or words that have close meanings with small differences.
For the first sentence, the verb should be "lay" instead of "lie". "Lie" is an intransitive verb, which means it does not act upon an object. "Lay", however, needs an object. We lay something. The sentence should be: Please lay this book on the table.
The second sentence confuses "except" with "accept". Just keep in mind that "except" is related to "exception", which means to exclude something. The sentence should be: Please accept my apology.
The third sentence is correct. We must use "affect", which is a verb. Some people confuse it for "effect", which is a noun.
Finally, the fourth sentence uses "set" instead of "sit", but the two verbs have completely different meanings. From the context, we can tell "sit" is the best option. The person wants to sit down to rest.
Homie you need to give context about what this was about- if you edit your question to give the context I'll try and answer it
The Gestapo come and take them all away
Answer: Why Sally looks at her feet and walks fast to the house she "can't come out from"
In the Vignette, "What Sally Said", Sally speak of how she is abused by her father who believes that she might bring shame to the family like his sisters did when they ran away.
In order to guard against this he is very strict with her and hits her for any perceived wrongdoing and sometimes the beating is so bad she has to miss school. The is why she walks fast to the house so as to avoid provocating hom.
The one time she manages to get a sleepover, the father comes and pleads with her to come home. This shows that she doesn't get to leave the house often either.