The slippery slope fallacy is something that many people fall into while writing something persuasive. This fallacy mostly happens when it is a primarily emotional argument with no factual support. The way it works is you make a claim that isn't entirely true, and then you base the rest of your argument on this point, even more "facts" off of this one slightly true fact you have stated. An example of this would be: "We can't allow people to go treasure hunting. By going treasure hunting people are more likely to trespass on other people's land in order to find treasure. By making trespassing less serious, people will start to loss their sense of other people's privacy. As you can see, if we allow people to pursuer treasure hunting, they will eventually start to break into other people's homes."
Romanticism was characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature, preferring the medieval rather than the classical.
Hymn is the repetition of sounds at the end of words.
detailed recollection of his doctors advice