One of the greatest responsibilities of the citizen is to comply and obey the laws.
Citizen is the term used to describe the individual who lives in a society within a given region and has the privilege of enjoying civil and political rights within that region. However, that individual must also bear certain responsibilities for order in society to be maintained.
One of these responsibilities is to comply with and obey the laws established in the region. These laws are generally grouped in the country's federal constitution and apply to the entire national territory. The citizen must obey them, otherwise he will be punished.
Correct answers are
They were under supplied.
They had wet gunpowder.
They were outnumbered.
The last option is correct as their gunpowder was totally wet, and were not able to use it in the battle, because their trench was flooded.
First option is also correct, as they didn't have much supplies, and most of them were destroyed.
Second option is also correct as they were outnumbered 2 to 1, and a lot of soldiers were killed and wounded.
Third option is not correct as he never issued such order.
The people are known for having very large eyes and thick eyelashes. ... Approximately 25 percent of Greeks have blue, gray or green eyes, although these colors are normally mixed with brown in the iris pattern. Coal black eyes are rare in Greeks, despite their dark complexions.
The Greeks wore light clothes as the climate was hot for most of the year. Their garment usually consisted of two main parts: a tunic (either a peplos or chiton) and a cloak (himation). Clothes were secured with ornamental clasps or pins at the shoulder and belt, sash, or girdle at the waist.
and they used roman theaters, Roman theatres were built in all areas of the Empire, from Spain to the Middle East. ... While amphitheatres would feature races and gladiatorial events, theatres hosted events such as plays, pantomimes, choral events, orations, and commerce.
An alliance is a union or association formed for mutual benefit, usually between countries or other organizations. This is seen as one of the causes of WW1 because countries involved in the developing conflict brought their allies into it as well. Serbia relied on their allies such as Russia, France, and Britain, while Austria called on the Ottoman Empire and Germany.