The poetic device that is used in the line "O blessed Bird! The earth we pace” is
Consonance is the poetic device that is used in the above lines. Consonance is the occurrence of identical consonants in a group of closely connected words.
The vowels that appear amongst the words that have similar consonants may vary. In the line, <em>"blessed Bird"</em> and "<em>pace"</em> have similar consonant sounds.
The vowels that occur in between them namely; e, i, and a vary. Thus we can conclude that the poet uses the poetic device called Consonance in these lines. Consonance adds rhythm to poems
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The open window and the landlady both show the creepy experience by the main character. Both add to the experience with imagery and (should I continue?)
D uses ¨are¨ instead of ¨is¨
The answer to this question is logos
The waves beside them danced is A
*I wandered lonely as a cloud is D
*They stretched in never-ending line is C
*What wealth the show to me had brought is B