Atalanta is a character in Greek mythology, a virgin huntress, unwilling to marry, and loved by ... Not to be confused with Atlanta. ... Prince Iasus wanted a son; when Atalanta was born, he left her on a mountaintop to die. Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta until hunters found and raised her.
The correct answer is: Present or past tense.
The different pronunciations of the word "read" serve to differentiate its verbal tense.
Even though the word is written as "read" in both the present and the past, it is pronounced differently.
If it refers to the present it is read as /riːd/ whereas if it refers to the past it is read as /red/
Philip lied when he said he was being suspended because of Miss Narwin; he made the whole suspension look like it was Miss Narwin's fault. ... Philip lied to the reporter about singing to be patriotic. He made a big deal, but he was really humming to stand up to Miss Narwin.
that (pronoun):
used to identify specific person or thing observed or heard by speaker
Answer: C. act or condition of
The Latin suffix -ion, is meant to show that an action is being initiated or a condition is being felt. They are mostly used to form past participles such as creation and allusion.
In the words confusion and suspicion, the presence of the ion there is meant to covey that the subject is experiencing the condition of being confused or suspicious.