Empathy is an emotion that one needs to understand the world. A person needs to know what the others are going through in order to fully understand. As they say, in their shoes. A situation has many sides and each person has different circumstances and emotional stamina to deal with them
Therefore to fully understand the complete scenario from where one person is coming and feel what he might be feeling and think on his level, one person needs to be empathetic. A lot of concepts and emotions will surpass a person if he is not empathetic.
was done at home in the nineteenth century
Because the definition of a quotation is words or phrases that are taken from someone else or from literary work or the asking price of something. An example of a quotation is when you take a passage from Shakespeare and repeat it as written without changing any of the words
In Nectar in a Sieve, Rukmani marries a tenant farmer of the Vaishyas class.
According to the sacred book of Vedas, there is a rigid system of social groups categorized into four classes:
a) Brahmin, which includes the priests
b) Kshatriyas, which includes the rulers and the warriors.
c) Vaishyas, which include the farmers, traders or merchants.
d) Sudras, which includes the labors and untouchables (Harijan/Dalits)
Copying another artist's work can be a wonderful way to learn, get inspired, get ideas, honor an influence you love, and create something new. All art is a mash up of ideas, and we can all influence and inspire each other, so long as we are creating and sharing from a place of honesty and transparency.
A good artist simply copies another person's art. A great artist selectively takes (steals) elements from multiple sources and then creatively combines their influences to create something that is uniquely their own.