They leave information that is important to the state of how the world is.
Yes, technically it is true that the Byzantine emperor, who believed that Muslims posed a threat to Christian Constantinople, requested help from Europe, although he mostly dealt with them himself.
La historiografía tradicional sobre las independencias ha tendido a considerar éstas como el resultado de un conflicto de naciones, guerras de liberación nacional, en el que unas preexistentes naciones americanas se liberaban de una también preexistente nación española. En esta interpretación la existencia de dos formas de identidad colectiva de carácter protonacional, criollos (nacidos en América) y peninsulares (nacidos en Europa) ha tenido un papel determinante. Las guerras de independencia habrían sido el resultado de un enfrentamiento entre identidades colectivas definidas por el lugar de nacimiento. Una afirmación que hoy muy pocos historiadores se atreverían a mantener de forma explícita pero que sigue siento el trasfondo último del relato hegemónico sobre las independencias americanas.
2La propuesta de este trabajo es tanto discutir esta idea como desentrañar las funciones que ha cumplido en una historiografía que ha interpretado las guerras de independencia hispanoamericanas como guerras de liberación nacional. Para sustentar esta hipótesis se necesitó partir de la existencia previa de identidades colectivas con densidad política en el interior de la Monarquía Católica y lo más parecido que se encontró fue un supuesto conflicto criollos-peninsulares. Mi propuesta es que las naciones no fueron la causa de las guerras de independencia y que el enfrentamiento entre peninsulares y criollos, en el que la interpretación anterior se sustenta, es poco más que una bella leyenda, un mito historiográfico que forma parte del proceso de imaginación nacional latinoamericano y no de la realidad histórica.
Assassination of stilicho, Aetius, and Majorian, who helped restore the west, betrayed from the inside, or killed in battle, combined with smallpox epidemics, whilst economic policies which were trash, failed to upkeep legions, and such to protect the empire's borders, which led to its collapse. The east fell, due to incompetent emperors, and the decline of trade, its debt, and the rise of venice, combined with the ottomans closing in on constantinople, and the sack of constantinople.
External military threats were a major cause of Rome's fall, and its effects spread across the empire. ... After Rome was divided, a powerful group known as the Huns began moving west, their numbers growing with captured prisoners and new allies. People from all walks of life were eager to reap the rewards of war. Rome fell through a gradual process because poor economic policies led to a weakened military which allowed the barbarians easy access to the empire. ... In the third century, Rome's emperors embraced harmful economic policies which led to Rome's decline
Anti-Semitism was first used by German scholars in 1873 to describe hatred against Jews. Many of the main figures in history made anti-Jewish remarks and a kind of caution and suspicion towards Jews was less than subordinate to most of the story, as some say until they took over the media, especially in the United States with the advent of television around 1970. Accusations against Jews have ranged from black death to the country and anti-Christian propaganda to alluding to communism and its heinous crimes and to organized crime. Nazism was a political policy based on anti-Semitism and aimed at the extermination of Jews. The Holocaust was an organized attempt to implement that policy.