I believe it is diminishes.
Diminishes means to make smaller, to become smaller, or to lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken; to nerf (in gaming).
It may be softens, though, so apologies if I am incorrect.
‘The Canterbury Tales’ as the name suggest, consist of a total of 24 stories which is written by Geoffrey Chaucer. The narrator of these stories is Chaucer himself, he is one of the character from the story. Chaucer finds humor in everything. His style of writing is quite humorous.
He wants that when his readers read his work, they find pleasure in reading, and which is why Chaucer reveals the funny trait of almost all his characters, to please his audience.
<span>The following answer is to question 7, which is seeking the to find which of four multiple choice answers are synonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning that support other words. I believe the correct answer would be a.) Imaginary or Unconfirmed. I chose this answer because the two words, imaginary and unconfirmed are the same in meaning. If something is imaginary we cannot utilize our senses to recognize it, same as with something that is unconfirmed where there is no tangible proof that it exists because there is no evidence that can be provided to our senses proving it is not imaginary.</span>
Absolute construction<span> is a </span>grammatical construction<span> standing apart from a normal or usual syntactical relation with other words or sentence elements.</span>