There arent really any steps basically you sawy what comes from your heart. your own opinion about whatever is happening or what youre talking about
A rhyming poem
For example:
Roses are red
violets are blue
I love you so much
I hope you do too
E arth is shaking,
A ftershocks are terrifying,
R attle of the memories made
T icking time bomb,
H orror on his face,
Q ueen of all eathquakes,
U nder my feet,
A never ending fear,
K err wet himself,
E verywhere
S oiled himself!
He plays the flute delightfully.
It's almost the same thing as beautifully because both of which are synonyms to each other.
Her home should be located at a key entry point to the heart of Maycomb.
Sorry if that does not help,