Senator Joseph McCarthy delivered the <em>Wheeling, West Virginia</em> speech on February 9, 1950. Right there he reminded Abraham Lincoln’s phrase “when a great democracy is destroyed, it will not be from enemies from without, but rather because of enemies from within.”
This argument was a key moment in McCarthy speech because he grabbed the audience’s attention and made a clear point from the beginning. As Lincoln's did in his “Lyceum Address”, Senator McCarthy warned that the danger to the U. S. was not foreign menaces but domestic.
The speech was delivered in Lincoln Day, and when he stated that they were there to “celebrate the one hundred forty-first birthday of one of the greatest men in American history”, he wanted to reinforce that Lincoln was an outstanding man who influenced America and warned about the internal problems of the country.
The desire to spread Christianity, settle European farmers in new lands, control the trade of specific cash crops, and exploit natural resources is most
characteristic of "<span>b. The Dutch in Indonesia," since this would be describing the Dutch East India company. </span>
Respuesta corta: la palabra "Administración" se compone del prefijo "ad", término "minister" y el sufjo "tio" de origen griego.
La etimología es la disciplina que se encarga del estudio sobre el origen, significado y evolución de las palabras. De acuerdo a lo anterior, el origen etimológico de la palabra "administración" se compone del prefijo "ad" que significa adquirir; la palabra "minister" que significa subordinado y el sufijo "tio" que significa selección. En resumen el significado general de origen griego de la palabra administración es "función subordinada".
Reading was popular in the 1920s as more and more people became literate. Magazines were full of short stories and illustrations to entertain those reading it. ... There were also Children's picture books like "The Little Red Hen" and "Little Black Sambo" that were very popular among young kids.
Battle of Hampton Roads
Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack, also called Battle of Hampton Roads, (March 9, 1862), in the American Civil War, naval engagement at Hampton Roads, Virginia, a harbour at the mouth of the James River, notable as history's first duel between ironclad warships and the beginning of a new era of naval warfare.