1. Bicicleta
3. No apagar las luces de tu casa, cuando no la usas.
4. No tala de árboles. No quemar cosas.
5. Recoger basura o no tirar basura en los parques.
6. Tirar basura en los ríos.
I’m not sure what exactly you needed to do. I guessed you needed to put an example to each statement.
I hope this helped you.
If it didn’t, you let me know, please.
<span>una pregunta si.. :)</span>
Maybe this would help..
1. Start at your house in the city.
2. Keep right on Calle Bolívar.
3. Continue two blocks.
4. Turn left onto Avenida Libertad.
5. Cross Main Street.
6. Pass the bakery and the shopping center.
7. Continue to the stadium, and turn onto Calle San José.
8. Cross Avenida Colón.
9. Continue to Avenida Presidente.
10. Turn right.
II. Quick, turn right onto Camino Aguajito.
12. Finish first place on the left