Answer: The building blocks of proteins are amino acids, which are small organic molecules that consist of carbon atoms linked to an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a variable component called a side chain.
Los componentes básicos de las proteínas son los aminoácidos, que son pequeñas moléculas orgánicas que consisten en átomos de carbono unidos a un grupo amino, un grupo carboxilo, un átomo de hidrógeno y un componente variable llamado cadena lateral.
Many organic compounds are ignitable, putting them in direct flame may cause fires or combustion. it is possible to start a fire on a hot plate, but typically hot plates are not heated as high and the temperature is somewhat controll-able... you can not control the temperature of a bunsen burner very easily i would not through acetone or ethanol on a hot plate, as it can catch on fire or cause burns, but it's much worse with the bunsen burner.
B. It will erode rocks over long periods of time.
because the snow and rain are gonna keep hitting the rock and after a long period of time it's going to slowly get eroded from the force of the rain and snow.