At first, Pahom expanded his land, but soon realized he needed even more space. Pahom's relentless pursuit of his goal ultimately cost him his life. An excellent opportunity was lost because of his selfishness.
When all anybody actually needs is somewhere to be buried, Pahom kept trying to buy more and more property. His passing should serve as a reminder that the lifelong pursuit of material comfort is unnecessary. In other words, everything you need is already in your possession.
In Tolstoy’s “How Much Land Does a Man Need?”
Moriah ran toward the goal and kicks the soccer ball
Don't look down the entire time the other person is speaking.
To build suspense in the story, Poe often employs foreshadowing. For example, when Fortunato says, “I shall not die of a cough,” Montresor replies, “True,” because he knows that Fortunato will in fact die from dehydration and starvation in the crypt.
Look at them in the eyes Give detail and tell them the intresting parts