Destination. In Spanish, por and para can be used to describe travel or motion. A simple rule to remember when to use the two prepositions is that por refers to travel/motion through a place or location while para refers to the destination of a journey. Salimos por la puerta.
1. Pedro eat pizza
2. You draw
3. My help at home
4. Julio and Ana spend time with friends
5. Enrique and you do homework
Alfombra (pen)
Techo (pen)
Mamá (last)
Algebra (antep)
Esperanza (pen)
González (pen)
Cucaracha (pen)
Pastel (last)
Pasteles (pen)
Recomendación (last)
Carro (pen)
Entiendo (pen)
Entendió (last)
Matrimonio (pen)
caramelos (pen)
Amarillo (pen)
interesante (pen)
bicicleta (pen)
divorciado (pen)
Zúnica (antep)
rápido (antep)
locura (pen)
cocina (pen)
tropical (last)
aprende (pen)
fácil (pen)
Note: Mama (pen) and Mamá (last) are different. Mama is from a verb MAMAR and Mamá is a mother.
- Víctor piensa que es demasiado guapo
- Víctor no necesita leer para ir al cine con una mujer.
- Las mujeres dicen que Víctor no tiene una personalidad.
The question above refers to "soy guapo", a song that tells the story of Vitor, a boy with a very high self-esteem who believes that he is very, very handsome and does not need women to say that, or unless women are at your side to confirm that thought. Vitor believes that he is beautiful, because he has a strong admiration for his own appearance, to the point of not believing that he has no personality, even when women say that. He doesn't really care about the personality, since he has beauty.
Dar razones o citar pruebas en apoyo de una idea, acción o teoría, normalmente con el objetivo de persuadir a otros para que compartan la opinión de uno.