<span>A lo largo de la mayor parte de la historia, el precio ha operado como el principal determinante de la decisión del comprador. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, los factores distintos de los precios se han vuelto relativamente más importante en el comportamiento de toma de decisiones del comprador. Además, el precio sigue siendo uno de los elementos más importantes para determinar la cuota de mercado y la rentabilidad de la empresa.</span>
The correct answer is A: Farmers were going to lose their farms due to raised taxes.
Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising that took place in Western Massachusets to <em>oppose to the government's action to increase the taxes </em>collection effort to pay a debt crisis happening by that time. Daniel Shay, a veteran from the American Revolutionary War was the one who led a large group of rebels to fight against the government and its impositions. He was a farmhand so that encouraged the fact to rise against the system.
The Tariff of 1828 was a very high protective tariff that became law in the United States in May 1828.
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Some of their problems was lack of nation-building experience, poor infrastructure, and massive amounts of damage incurred during their revolutions for independence. But for most of them that were explored they had many problems until nowadays.