D. ghost fishing
The nets are also called "ghost nets" being left behind or lost in the ocean by fishermen.
Also, never leave nets in the water. Our Earth needs healing.
-Simple squamous epithelium
-Simple squamous epithelium is the single layer of thin, flat cells that line body surfaces which are not exposed substantially abrasive forces. The primary function of the columnar cell is that secretion and absorption simple squamous epithelium a single layer flat scale shaped cells.
-Simple squamous epithelium lines the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs. The alveoli are sites where air is exchanged in the lungs. Simple squamous epithelial cells in the alveoli allow oxygen from the air to enter the blood in the capillaries of the lung.
There is no enough data on Earth's temperature before life appeared.
I think none of the above...
The correct answer is option C.
The masses of air move from the areas of high pressure to the areas of low pressure. Pruitt's city must be situated more or less within the equator for it to be dominated by maritime tropical air mass. This area gets adequate sunlight all throughout the year because of the comparative position of the Sun.
Therefore, its atmosphere is usually more heated in comparison to that of the Polar Regions. The air in the tropic regions turns less dense and elevates into the upper atmosphere. The cooler and denser maritime polar air mass from the poles moves in to substitute the elevating air in the tropics, thus, developing incoming cooler winds.
This is the reason for the creation of the trade winds across the globe and distributing energy around the planet to a more or less homeostatic level.