<span> Well if the excerpt is translated to modern speech can you understand it better ROMEO This gentleman Mercutio, a close relative of the Prince and my dear friend, was killed while defending me from Tybalt's slander- Tybalt, who had been my cousin for a whole hour! Oh sweet Juliet, your beauty has made me weak like a woman, and you have softened my bravery, which before was as hard as steel
That pretty much it you just telling what you read bme- beginning middle end
Answer:remnants patched together
Answer: According to Britannica School, “Ambulance, fire, and police services depend on the automobile. In brief, the sentence tells you that everyone is affected because the automobile is a fast way of transportation when there are emergencies then people could use the automobile because of how fast they are.
The answer is A, I had to write a compare and contact essay for my college writing class. We had to use either a point by point or block by block organizational structure.