Im pretty sure it's like this.
Ernesto: El restaurante donde comiste ayer es bastante caro. Sara: Es verdad. pague más o menos de 50 dólares por la cena.
In English:
Ernesto: The resturant that you went was too expensive. Sara: It's true. I paid more or less 50 dollars for the dinner.
From what I understand from this question is that 2 motorcycles cost 3,038, and 1 motorcycle was (or cost) 300 more than the 2 motorcycles that cost 3,038. And the question is at the end is what did EACH motorcycle cost. So Since this question said that one motorcycle was 300 more, I times 3,038 by 300 and got 911,400
Harp,violin,viola,cello y double bass
8 A las chicas les fascinan los chicos populares
9 Me hace falta mi novio porque vive lejos
10 A los estudiantes les disgusta tener mucha tarea.