The Russian military attempted to seize control of the government in a violent coup d’état.
Maria has already opened the business, she has moved past the seed and development stage and has moved into the startup phase. This of course can share elements with the growth and development phase, but given that she is initiating hiring employees and the question does not mention expansion, she is in the startup phase.
From the Industrial Revolution to the rise of mass production in the early 20th century, women transformed their relationship with the union movement. During the 19th century, women entered factories in large numbers, working fourteen hours a day, six days a week in dangerous jobs for low pay. In response to these conditions, young female textile workers organized America’s first industrial protests, strikes, and reform groups. Despite these efforts, women were generally excluded from the larger labor movement.
Containment Policy
Under the policy of containment, developed at the beginning of the Cold War, the United States' primary foreign policy goal was to stop the spread of Soviet influenced communism.
Vietnam was, as its core, a war to stop communism from spreading.