It's an adjective; "The smallest puppy" is the subject of the sentence as the rest of the sentence describes it. Of course the subject cannot just be "puppy" so it must include "The smallest" as well. Since smallest is an adjective (A word that describes something else,) that answer is Adjective.
MLA Style says numbers that can be written in one or two words (three, fifteen, seventy-six, one thousand, twelve billion) and to use numerals for other numbers (2¾; 584; 1,001; 25,000,000). APA Style, uses words for numbers below 10 and numerals for numbers 10 and above.
Being fun to do
Defination of enjoyable: (of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure.
Weight control
increased strength
reduce risk of injury
The answer is "compound noun"
have a great day!!!