It helps to protect the rights of the accused
The Bills just aren't sharp enough or tough enough or whatever enough to beat playoff teams
People who oppose the War on Drugs argue that drug offenders should not be incarcerated because most of them are not violent criminals, and being a drug addict should not be considered a crime but a disease, and correspondingly, should be treated by medical professionals.
Unfair incarceration of drug offenders contributes to the break up of families, specially in low-income areas, and this phenomenon as a whole affects society. Children born in households with incarcerated parents are more likely to be poor, to become addicts themselves, or to commit crimes in the future.
The 1st Congress met at Federal Hall in New York. In 1790, it passed the Residence Act, which established the national capital at a site along the Potomac River that would become Washington, D.C. For the next ten years, Philadelphia served as the temporary capital.