From the buffalo they got meat for food, skins for tipis, fur for robes, and anything else was for tools and things needed for everyday life. Like the bones and horns were used to make digging sticks, hide working tools, cups, and spoons.
The African Americans who became preachers were not allowed to do in the new Methodist church. African Americans were allowed to do very little things back then. They were allowed to go to small churches like ‘The New Methodist Church’. They were allowed to worship with whites but not really, they were allowed to sit in the balcony just in the back, and sometimes just some can perform the ceremony of the Eucharist.
The whites did not want to go to church with the African Americans already so, obviously they didn’t want to look forward and see them and worship while looking at them.
Its history, and interesting for us humans in this generation.
Us dosbhsidhxhsvuxbb
Ushhxhhsbyhdb shzv h z uzbhzvz vzhz xuz z s suhshb sjhzhxgsb
If you have a bad attitude you are going to be so focused on what you are mad about to not focus on what you need to be focused on which is the education hat you are missing out on.Maybe you might be havigna test on what yo are learing and you may never se it coming...Why? you was not paying any attenetion
hope it helped :p
blessed by the best