Answer:Oil will be replaced
Chile es un país rico en recursos naturales, con una cultura variada y ubicado en el fin del mundo. Cuenta con una historia de doscientos años desde sus inicios, pero para lograr lo que somos hoy en día se debió pasar por diversas etapas que marcaron nuestra actual identidad.
Desde el comienzo cuando el continente fue descubierto por el reino de España en la conquista, durante el siglo XVI se estableció una colonia en manos de Pedro de Valdivia bajo el virreinato del Perú. Frente a estos hechos basaremos nuestro ensayo, en el cual analizaremos y explicaremos la organización política colonial junto con sus derivadas administraciones y de esta manera proceder a hacer una comparación con el sistema de los años posteriores a la …ver más…
I think the answer is residence or where one lives. Some people can afford to either buy a house
or have one made on a lot. Others rent
apartments. It is more advantageous to
own a house because it eliminates paying rent.
During the period of the Renaissance, Italy was divided into numerous small city-states controlled by local wealthy people. There were large differences though from one city-state to another, and while the northern ones were very wealthy and had things going very smoothly, the southern ones were much less successful.
The reason why the northern Italian city-states were so wealthy was mostly the trade. These city-states had excellent large ports. They were producing multiple things that were in high demand and also very well paid for for export, and were getting lot of things they needed and desired from the other parts of the world.
These states had very well developed fleets, and they were trading with multiple Asian regions, Europe, as well as parts of Africa. They were exporting their high quality products. Very often they were buying certain things from one place, then re-sell it in other place buy much higher prices, thus getting more and more wealth over time. That wealth enabled them to get all they needed without any problem, thus making them very stable and strong small states.