Not sure about which period you ask, but...
Frontline trenches were usually about seven feet deep and six feet wide. The front of the trench was known as the parapet. The top two or three feet of the parapet and the parados (the rear side of the trench) would consist of a thick line of sandbags to absorb any bullets or shell fragments.
La Guerra Chichimeca se llevó a cabo principalmente en los actuales estados de Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Jalisco y San Luis Potosí entre los indígenas zacatecos y guachichiles contra los españoles y sus aliados indígenas.
Hamilton's economic plan for the nation included establishing a national bank like that in England to maintain public credit; consolidating the states' debts under the federal government; and enacting protective tariffs and government subsidies to encourage American manufactures.
In several states across the US, individuals can take direct action by using different procedures like recalls and referendums.
A recall is when citizens of a particular state want to remove an individual from political office. Several states, like Arizona and Wisconsin, will allow citizens to use this process. In order to get an elected official removed from office, a group must get a certain percentage of citizens from their state to sign a petition in favor of removing this person. If enough people sign, then there will be a general election in which all citizens vote on whether or not to remove the person from office.
A referendum, on the other hand, revolves around state legislatures making laws that must be approved by the citizens before being implemented. This makes it so that citizens have the power over certain laws in their state.