The odyssey
after winning the Trojan war, the great hero odyssey begins what would you become a ten- years journey back to his home in Ithaca. Cursed by the gods who ruled the earth .Odyssey embarks on series of epic adventures: battling the man - eating Cyclop : over coming the spell of enchantress circe: traveling into the dark world ,hades, surviving a trance from sirens' songs and escaping the clutches of angry sea god, Poseidon
We cant really see it like that.
During Act 2 scene 3, friar laurence says "is rosaline that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? (...) The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears, thy old groans ring yet in mine ancient ears." Basically, he thinks Romeo musnt truly be in love with Juliet if he had just a couple days or so ago been crying over Rosaline not liking him back. He's reluctant towards romeo's requests to marry juliet because he thinks its too soon for romeo to know he is in love with juliet.