The themes in "Loser" include success, persistence, and conformity while the themes in "at dusk" include perception, deception, and guilt.
Loser is the story of a boy who was branded a loser by his classmates because of his poor performance in school and athletics. He was persistent and was eventually successful.
At Dusk is a poem about deception. It's hard to see people as they truly are at dusk. In about city, everyone is a stranger. The themes include perception, deception, and guilt.
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Basically, a biography is the existence history of an individual, composed by another person. A self-portrayal is the account of an individual's life, composed by that individual. Furthermore, a memoir is an assortment of recollections composed by the actual individual.
1.Why wasn't >he< invited to Anila's party? The underline word is he which is nominative since he was used as the subject of the sentence.
The answer is C
2. I hope Alina left >me< directions to her house.The underline word is me which is objective as it is a personal pronoun.
The answer is A. O
3.My sister will pick >us< up after Alina's party.
The underline work is us which is also objective.
The answer is B. O
My answer is B love is the most important thing I life.